Apr. 2024


What are the skills the creative industry perceives as vital, and what do we need to learn next?

The Creative Skills Report, created in partnership with Adobe, is an exploration into which creative skills are currently vital to our industry, and what our teams may need in the future.

Surveying over 60 of the industry’s most renowned agencies, studios and brands across Europe, the report represents the opinions of creatives across a variety of skill sets and disciplines. Dividing these insights into five sections – Foundational Skills, Skills In Demand, Learning Skills, Balancing Skills and Future Skills – the following report gathers key insights for senior decision makers to help them put a well-informed foot forward for their team.

The original report was created by the studio It’s Nice That. The images shown below are part of a redesign exercise I conducted, aiming to reimagine how the same report could be visualized in a different style. In this project, I seek to implement and experiment with new styles as a personal endeavor, with no goal other than enjoying the design process while testing new design tools. This also serves to enrich my portfolio with a wider variety of styles and techniques.